AMST 371.01
Songs of Protest, Songs of Praise
Roger Williams University
GHH 301
M, W, F, 9:00-9:50
Fall Semester 2015
Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D.
Office:  GHH 215
Hours: T, TH 9:00 - 11:00
M, W, 1:00-2:00
(401) 254 3230
For Monday, December 7Our Last Class Together
Read, in Dunaway and Beer
"Folk and political music most successfully evoke not the bitterness of repression but the glory of a world remade."
Phil Ochs: There But for Fortune is a tribute to an unlikely American hero whose music is as relevant today as it was in the 1960s. Phil Ochs was moved by the conviction that he and his music would change the world. Unyielding in his political principals and unbending in his artistic vision, Ochs tirelessly fought for peace and justice throughout his short life (12/19/1940 - 4/9/1976).  Click on the image to watch the PBS Program.  It will expire by the end of next January, but it can be purchased on DVD.
We will finish this semester by thinking about the power(s) of music.  We'll listen to a few things, and unravel any last thoughts any of you have.  I hope this will include resources you've added to your folder, not only by the artists mentioned here, but by others which moved you.  I hope you've enjoyed the class this semester, and found it worthy your time.
Something is hiding under Arlo's Picture