AMST 371.01
Songs of Protest, Songs of Praise
Roger Williams University
GHH 301
M, W, F, 9:00-9:50
Fall Semester 2015
Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D.
Office:  GHH 215
Hours: T, TH 9:00 - 11:00
M, W, 1:00-2:00
(401) 254 3230
Due:  The Last Day of Final Exams,  December 15, by 11:00 p.m. (by bridges)

Length:  about 5 pp.  (A bit more if you include pictures).
Taking a course is about learning new things, encountering new ideas, and new people as well--not just the other class members, but, in this class, singers and song types.  You've reflected already on music as a personally and socially.  This time I'd like to have you take it to a new level, because I'm curious about what you will be taking with you when you walk out this door for the last time.  So here's what I'd like to have you do.

A possibility for extra credit.

This has been a pretty quiet class--I've warbled a bit, but I don't think anyone else has joined me.  One of the things we've noticed this semester is that a new song doesn't have to be entirely new.  Frequently new words dedicate a melody to a new cause or a new idea.  So, if you're feeling artistic and want to get a little extra credit, why not write  a "new" song of protest or song of praise?  Use the old melody, and write new words to turn our (my) attention in a new direction.  I'd love to see what you come up with.  Here's a silly example: